Saturday, December 28, 2019

Are You Thinking or Are You Just Having Thoughts

Everyone has thoughts, but not everyone thinks. You can either react to your thoughts or your can respond to your thoughts by first thinking about them.

In this video, I share the difference between thoughts and thinking, and how you can exercise thinking to change the trajectory of your relationship with yourself and others.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Time to Reset Your Relationship And Get Your Passion Back

You already know that time is our most valuable resource. You already know that what you do with your time matters. In fact, my life and your life boils down to this question: What did we do with the time we were given.

But did you know that time is also a gift. The gift of time can help you overcome the past and move you towards a better future. Don't miss this one as you head into the new year.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How You Can Tell if A Relationship Will Last Or Fail

Wouldn't it be wonderful to know beforehand a relationship will last. It would save you a lot of headaches and heartaches. There is no need to waste your time in a relationship that will ultimately fail. In this video, I share with you how you can tell if a relationship will make it or if it is doomed to fail by looking for just 4 things. Now, these 4 things are not weighted equally. I give them in the order of least important to most important. So be sure to listen to the entire video so you do not miss out.
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We also have a website where you can reach out to us and get lots more information on building a healthy relationship:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

5 Keys To Turn A Date Into A Successful Relationship

Are you tired of going on dates that go absolutely nowhere? Are you beginning to wonder whether you will ever connect with that someone and start a relationship?

If you want to be desire to hit your date out of the park, then you need to understand how to add-value to your date in 5 distinct areas.

If you desire to know more and learn how to get it right on your date, this video gives you the basics. I go into much more details in the course: Find, Get, and Keep the Right Person for You, which can be found on our website

#ExceptionalRelationships #Relationshipminibooks

Monday, December 2, 2019

How To Promote Authentic Communication?

Lack of authenticity in communication is both useless and dangerous. It is useless because it does not promote genuine progress. It is dangerous because it can lead to false beliefs that lead to disastrous decision-making. It is your responsibility to promote authenticity in your communication by (1) being authentic even when there is a fear of being rejected (2) creating an environment for people where differences are appreciated and authenticity is celebrated.

Just as with most things, it is easier said than done. In this video, I give a practical tip that can help you promote authenticity.

Please let us know what you think about this video, Are you the one that needs to stop being phony or are you the one that needs to create an environment for people not to be phony.