Your attitude about life and people will determine the altitude of your
success. This is a fancy way to say don’t be a Debbie Downer. People are
looking for hope, encouragement, and salvation. Make sure you are giving them
what they really want. If there is no hint of hope, encouragement, and
salvation in the way you talk to people, you just sound like a know-it-all
lecturer who does not care about people. For more on this interesting topic and
how to turn it around, listen to the latest video.
success. This is a fancy way to say don’t be a Debbie Downer. People are
looking for hope, encouragement, and salvation. Make sure you are giving them
what they really want. If there is no hint of hope, encouragement, and
salvation in the way you talk to people, you just sound like a know-it-all
lecturer who does not care about people. For more on this interesting topic and
how to turn it around, listen to the latest video.