Thursday, April 23, 2020

Stay Out Of The Line Of Fire

You get hurt in a relationship if you don't stay out of the line of fire...
Yes I know your partner is responsible for what they fire at you, but you also have a responsibility to stay out of the firing line. This is especially important if you have a trigger happy partner. Please know that I am not minimizing your partners responsibility. I am just trying to get you to control what you can control. Staying away from the firing line will do wonders for your relationship.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Your Focus Determines Your Future

See what everyone else is focusing on and then choose to focus elsewhere.

Here is what people tend to focus on: What is wrong, what is bad, what is negative.

But you are different aren't you? You are just not are somebody. You have a awesomely and wonderfully made. You have a bright future ahead of you. So why not focus on that bright future...and stand out from the crowd.