Thursday, August 6, 2020

Episode #52 – How To Handle Disappointment

Please listen carefully! Disappointment is inevitable but discouragement is a choice. Do not let the disappointments you will face on your journey to success get your discouraged. Do not allow the disappointments along the way cause you to make permanent decisions based on temporary situations. The most successful man to ever live walked through disappointment. Watch more to find out how he handled it and how you should handle it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Episode #51 – How To Handle Praise

How you handle praise will either steel you for future success or steel your future success away from you. I don't want to spoil the content of the video, but if you live for other people's praise, then you are already in trouble. Remember, praise from others is is here today, gone tomorrow. Watch the video to see how praise should be handled.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Episode #50 – How To Handle Dispute

Don't allow disputes to disrupt your flow, distract you from your mission, and destroy your friendship or partnership. Listen, it is nigh impossible to always agree with others. So, it is a matter of WHEN and not IF disputes occur. Watch the video to hear what the most successful man to ever live had to say about who to handle disputes.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Episode #49 – How To Handle Unbelief

People will doubt you; they will say you are crazy; they will say to you 'who do you think you are?' My friend, do NOT allow other people's doubt and unbelief pave the path to your future. That path has been traveled by many and it only leads to a cliff of broken dreams and unfulfilled potential. If you are stuck with people that don't believe in you, then I want you to watch this video. This most successful man to ever live had this same issue. He shows us how to deal with it.