Friday, August 23, 2019

Don't Be a Bully Husband - Learn How to Be The Head and Captivate Your Woman

While being the head has nothing to do with being a tyrant, bully, or ruler (see Part I), it also does not mean that a man has to be a wimpy pushover who throws his hands up in the air and just watches as life happens and anything goes.

As the head, a man must exercise authority and power in the right dimension. This video addresses the two dimensions in which IF a man exercises authority and power, he will likely become captivating to his wife in the long run (so long as his wife's heart is open).


  1. I really enjoyed the explanation about what leadership entails. What makes submission a joy, not onerous or a dirty word. And how love and authority go hand in hand. Makes sense. Shows the heart behind the structure and a Godly way of seeing relationships. Thanks

  2. I'm really happy that you've enjoyed it! Ife you have anything specific you would like to be addressed on the subject of relationships, please leave us another comment.
