Wednesday, September 25, 2019

When Making Your Wife Happy Makes Your Life Miserable

Happy Wife Happy Life Right? Not necessarily. It all depends on what makes your wife happy.
What made Mark's wife happy was for him not to smile at female customers who visited his furniture store as she was supremely insecure - a holdover from her ex-husband cheating and leaving her.

There was only one problem. Most guys won't buy furniture their wives don't like & most women won't buy from a person who won't smile and pay attention to them while shopping.

Ultimately, Mark's business suffered because of him trying to make his wife happy. As his business suffered, his self-esteem suffered. As his business closed and his self-confidence plummeted, his wife became financially insecure and no longer respected him. End result, she divorced him.

Moral of the story: There are times when making someone happy will make both your lives miserable in the long run. This video explains how you determine when to make her happy and when you should stand your ground.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

5 Steps To Go From Nearly Divorced To Divine Marriage

No one stands on the alter on their wedding day, thinking "Oh, how wonderful it is to be getting married to someone I won't be able to able stand in a few years. How delightful it is when we can't see eye to eye. How awesome it will be when we hurt each other and get a divorce"

If you did not get married with the intention of getting a divorce, then you should not get a divorce until you are intentional about saving your marriage. If you marriage is lost, the 5 steps here will serve as your compass to getting back on track.

Please share with those that would benefit from this video.

#RelationshipMinibooks #ExceptionalRelationships

Monday, September 16, 2019

Are Men and Women Really That Different?

Have you considered that the male and the female are both man (Genesis 1:27). And have you considered that God made woman from the rib of the man so that they are compatible, comparable, and complimentary?

Could it be that when a man says he does not understand a woman, he is really saying he does not understand himself (since the female was formed from the rib of the male)? Could it also be that when a woman says she does not understand a man, she has strayed a bit to far from her real self?

The men and women who believe they are very different will live that difference in their relationship. Those who believe they are alike will find common ground even in their differences.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Because You Love Me, You Have To Hurt Me?

Should love Hurt? What is your view on the subject: Yes or No! What are your reasons for choosing either yes or no? In this video, we look at what the scriptures have to say about the topic. Note that we are not advocating or condoning any unloving, selfish, or self-serving, thuggish behavior here. The assumption behind this discussion is that real love actually exists in your relationship.   

Friday, September 6, 2019

The One Thing You Must Do To Avoid Relationship Landmines

There is one thing you can do to give your relationship the very best chance of succeeding. Unfortunately, too many people avoid this very simple step and so suffer greatly for it. In this video, we share what that simple thing is. We promise you, it is so simple, that even a cave man knows it (sorry cave man)

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It you want to see the books mentioned in this video go to

D.E.A.R. Singles:
101 No Frills Relationship Lessons You Need to Learn Before You Marry:

 #Relationshipminibooks #Exceptionalrelationships

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How You Set Up Your Relationship For Failure And Set Up Yourself For Hurt

No one can meet all your needs. In this video, we look at 10 things you need in your relationship that no partner can meet. By expecting these 10 things from your partner, you are setting your relationship up for failure and setting yourself up for disappointment, hurt, and pain. 

#relationshipminibooks #ExceptionalRelationships #RelacionesExcepcionales