Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Achieve Vulnerability in Your Relationship

There is no real communication without vulnerability. There is no real intimacy without vulnerability. Yet, it can be tough to allow yourself to be vulnerable because the word itself suggest you are opening up yourself to be hurt.

While it may seem safer to wall yourself up, remember this: The walls you put up will do a good job keeping hurt out of your heart...but it will also do a good job love keeping love out of your heart.

So is it darn if you do, darn if you don't? Not quite! Vulnerability can grow under the right conditions. In this short video, I briefly touch on what is needed for vulnerability to be a part of your relationship.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

You Have to C.A.R.E to Go Beyond Talking and to Start Communicating

It's not about how much conversation you are having, it is about how much communicating you are doing. 

To communicate at ta deep level , you have the pay a communication tax. By showing that you C.A.R.E, you will find yourself going from just another conversation to having true connection and intimacy with you partner through Vulnerable, Authentic, and Transparent dialogue

Visit our website for more information:

And please check out our book on Amazon: 101 Relationship Lessons You Need To Learn Before You Marry

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Widely Accepted Excuse That Destroys Relationships

Tired of where your relationship is right now? Want your relationships to become better as time goes by? Then you have to get rid of a common and widely accepted excuse. Remember this: Just because you have a valid excuse does not mean the excuse should run your life. Watch this video to find out more.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Are You Suffering From a C.A.S.E of Insecurity?

Ever had a problem that everybody else notices but you? It happened to a great guy, who though seemed to have everything together but just could not move past the first date. Finally, a girl was bold enough to tell him that he had a severe case of bad breath. That girl was truly his friend because she told him something that he probably did not want to hear but needed to hear.

In this video, think of me as your friend. If you stink of insecurity without knowing it, then you are probably driving away a lot of people without knowing it. In this video, I share 4 symptoms of insecurity you need to know. Listen, it is always better to know the truth, make some adjustments, and move on.

#RelationshipMinibooks #ExceptionalRelationships

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Want Peace of Mind? Stop Being So Sensitive

If you want peace of mind, you not only have to watch what you say, you also have to watch what you hear. The Bible puts it this way: Do not take everything people say to heart - Ecclesiastes 7:21-22

There you have it! God himself wants you to know that it is perfectly alright for you to practice selective hearing. In this video, you will understand why it is important and how exactly to do it. 


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Relationship Success

"You can't sustain achievement beyond the person you become"

When it comes to having a great relationship, there is no such thing as 'fake it till you make it'. In relationships, there is only 'fake it till you fail'. If you do not want your relationship to fail...No, if you want your relationship to be great, then you have to take the journey to becoming a great person.

Great marriages happen when people choose to take the journey to becoming great people - that means they lay aside all excuses and work on themselves and on their relationship. 

This video shares the best way to work on yourself.