Thursday, August 6, 2020

Episode #52 – How To Handle Disappointment

Please listen carefully! Disappointment is inevitable but discouragement is a choice. Do not let the disappointments you will face on your journey to success get your discouraged. Do not allow the disappointments along the way cause you to make permanent decisions based on temporary situations. The most successful man to ever live walked through disappointment. Watch more to find out how he handled it and how you should handle it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Episode #51 – How To Handle Praise

How you handle praise will either steel you for future success or steel your future success away from you. I don't want to spoil the content of the video, but if you live for other people's praise, then you are already in trouble. Remember, praise from others is is here today, gone tomorrow. Watch the video to see how praise should be handled.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Episode #50 – How To Handle Dispute

Don't allow disputes to disrupt your flow, distract you from your mission, and destroy your friendship or partnership. Listen, it is nigh impossible to always agree with others. So, it is a matter of WHEN and not IF disputes occur. Watch the video to hear what the most successful man to ever live had to say about who to handle disputes.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Episode #49 – How To Handle Unbelief

People will doubt you; they will say you are crazy; they will say to you 'who do you think you are?' My friend, do NOT allow other people's doubt and unbelief pave the path to your future. That path has been traveled by many and it only leads to a cliff of broken dreams and unfulfilled potential. If you are stuck with people that don't believe in you, then I want you to watch this video. This most successful man to ever live had this same issue. He shows us how to deal with it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Episode #48 – How To Handle Criticism

As you climb up the ladder of success, expect an increasing amount of criticism. In fact, if you have not been criticized, it is likely because you are not pushing the envelope of success. So, how do you handle the criticism that comes with success? You can either ignore people or inform people. The choice depends on the specific situation you are dealing with. Watch this 3-min video to find out more.   

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Episode #47 – How To Handle Anxiety

There is no one who has achieved anything meaningful that has not had to battle fear and anxiety. The goodness is that we can win that battle. There are spiritual steps you can take to win that battle BUT there are also very practical things you can do. In this video, I share the 3 things the most successful man to ever live did to defeat his fear and anxiety.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Episode #46 – How To Handle Deception

Just because you have forgiven deception doesn't mean you should continue to hang around the deceiver. What if the person has changed? Then it is simple...the person is no longer a are safe. A deceiver is someone who is intent on your harm. Make sure you do not tolerate it. To tolerate deception is to welcome destruction.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Episode #45 – How To Handle Grief

Life can sometimes throw us curve balls. There times we will get news that just puts us into a funk and causes us to grieve. When grief comes your way, don't ignore it and don't pitch your tent in it. Instead, decide to walk through it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Episode #43 – How To Handle Failure

Winston Churchill famously mentioned that ‘success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm’. This statement is exemplified by every child that first tries to walk: the child fails often but tries and tries again until they succeed in walking. Let’s us be like children. Let’s allow failure to spur us onto still greater heights.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Episode #42 – How to Handle Rejection

Rejection in life is inevitable because it is impossible to get everyone’s approval. Therefore, don’t allow rejection to have power over you. In fact, you should see every rejection as a redirection towards acceptance.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Episode #40 – Protect Your People

Not everybody will mean well for you and your team. Therefore, it is necessary to know when to protect them by stepping in and taking charge of a situation.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Episode #39 – Fine Tune Your Way to Success

Feedback is a gift. Now, I admit that it is not always wrapped up in a nice package. In fact, sometimes it can be wrapped in looks like and smells like dung. Still, it is necessary for growth and success. No matter how hard it is to receive, be sure to ask for feedback. What do you think?

Friday, July 3, 2020

Episode #38 – Get Your Team To Defy Limits

The most successful to ever live once said that happy and to be envied are those who hunger and thirst. If you want your team to be highly successful, you have to make sure that they maintain their level of thirst and hunger. Watch to see how the most successful man achieved this with his team.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Episode #36 – The Power of Empowerment

When you put someone in charge of something meaningful, it communicates to them that you ‘believe in them’. It turns them from ordinary people into extraordinary people.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Episode #35 - How To Choose The Right Team

The most successful man to ever lived spent an entire night having ruminating over and having conversations about those to choose as members of his 12 man team.
He did it because he knew that people are the most important resource. Find out what you need to do to choose the right team.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Episode #34 - Lead By Example

The most successful man to ever live denounced the "do as I say, not as I do" style of leadership as hypocrisy. Leadership is infinitely more effective when it follows the 'do as I do' mantra. Who are you following? Would you do as they do?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Episode #32 – It’s Time To Diversify

Just because you are doing well in one area doesn't mean you should neglect other areas. Diversification is the secret to multiplication. Find out more in the video below

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Episode #29 – Take Time Off For Yourself

You have heard the saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Likewise, all work and no rest makes us dead to our destiny. Watch below to find out more.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Episode #28 – You Are Doing Something Wrong If Everybody Is Pleased With...

If you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one and you would have forfeited your dreams in the process. Watch the video to find out more.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Episode #27 – Beware of People Who Love You For How You Make Them Feel

Have you ever heard someone say they love you for how you
make them feel? When you here those words, you better beware…for it could very
well spell trouble!!! Watch the video to find out more   

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Episode #24: Establish A Custom

A simple trick to becoming successful is establish traditions that will lead you to where you want to be in life. What traditions do you have? Are your traditions helping your or hurting your chances at success. Find out more by watching the video 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Stay Out Of The Line Of Fire

You get hurt in a relationship if you don't stay out of the line of fire...
Yes I know your partner is responsible for what they fire at you, but you also have a responsibility to stay out of the firing line. This is especially important if you have a trigger happy partner. Please know that I am not minimizing your partners responsibility. I am just trying to get you to control what you can control. Staying away from the firing line will do wonders for your relationship.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Your Focus Determines Your Future

See what everyone else is focusing on and then choose to focus elsewhere.

Here is what people tend to focus on: What is wrong, what is bad, what is negative.

But you are different aren't you? You are just not are somebody. You have a awesomely and wonderfully made. You have a bright future ahead of you. So why not focus on that bright future...and stand out from the crowd.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Don’t Be A Debbie Downer

Your attitude about life and people will determine the altitude of your
success. This is a fancy way to say don’t be a Debbie Downer. People are
looking for hope, encouragement, and salvation. Make sure you are giving them
what they really want. If there is no hint of hope, encouragement, and
salvation in the way you talk to people, you just sound like a know-it-all
lecturer who does not care about people. For more on this interesting topic and
how to turn it around, listen to the latest video.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Location Location Location

No! This video is NOT about Real Estate...It is about something way more important. This video is about YOU. You can do all the planning that you want; you can have all the potential in the word; you can form all the partnerships in this world...BUT if your location is not right, nothing will work out. Watch our latest video on YouTube to get the rest of the story. And be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel. More to come soon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Episode #19 - Partnering With The Devil

A video for you to watch if you are thinking of partnering with someone. The information here will safe you much headache in the future.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

How To Overcome Fear in The Middle of Uncertainty

In times of fear and uncertainly, each of us have three choices: We can choose to listen to opinion; choose to listen to facts; or choose to listen to the TRUTH. Please don't take this the wrong way, but opinions are a dime a dozen and are seldom factual, facts can be cherry-picked to fit a narrative that the storyteller wants people to believe, BUT only the TRUTH sets you free.

In this video, I share some words that come from the Truth...words you need to know in times of fear and uncertainty. My hope is that these words bring you a modicum of perspective and peace.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Episode #18 – Be Unreasonable

On your way to success, you will invariably run into that well-meaning person who will try to deter you from your path, saying that they are trying to save you from future pain. They will sound honest, they will sound concerned, they will sound sincere...BUT they will be honestly and sincerely wrong!

The difference between you and them is two-fold: First, they have settled for a life of security while you want a life of significance and adventure. Second, they see today’s facts as an indicator of tomorrow’s truths BUT you see today’s facts as a chapter in what is to become an incredibly beautiful story.

The truth is that if you don’t give up on yourself, you will be successful. Don’t let the facts of today keep you from realizing that truth.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Episode #17 – Master Your Emotions

What would happen if you were told you had to live an entire year on a
roller-coaster? You would immediately decline. You know that though it feels
great and exhilarating at the start, that feeling will soon give way to dread.
Why? Roller-coasters are meant to be experienced; they are not meant to be lived

If you decide to live life based on emotions, then you are choosing to
live on a roller-coaster. Good luck!

There is a better way to live. There is a way to master your emotion.
And it is quite simple. If you are tired of living a life of ups and downs,
then it is time to watch this video and learn where emotions come from and how
you can master them.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Episode #16 - Follow Your Gut

Maybe its just a thought or perhaps a feeling that just won't leave you alone. Pay attention to it!

Don't rationalize, justify or excuse away what you just can't shake. The least you should do is look into it. You never know where its going to lead.

Your gut may very well be a higher power directing you.

This is what happened to the most successful man who ever lived. He went to the wilderness, seemingly for no reason, but when he returned, he returned with power.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Episode #14 – You Can’t Please Everyone

If you try to please everybody, you will spend a lot of time and energy, and you will end up pleasing no one. If you want to be successful, you can spend your days worrying about what other think about you, your methods. You can’t lose sleep over whether someone likes you or not.

The most successful man to ever live was NOT a people-pleaser. He was there to fulfill His purpose and leave an impact. That has to be your mindset. As long as you are fulfilling a good purpose and leaving a positive impact, then you should not worry about what people say.

Remember, those who are doing no-thing have the most time on their hands to talk. Don’t let their talk stop you from doing your thing.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Episode #13 – Know Who You Are

If you don’t know who you are, you will believe what someone else says you are. So many people suffer in life because they have believed the lies others have told them. Don’t make this mistake

Now, it is not enough that you avoid believing lies, you must believe the truth. You have to believe what the most successful man to ever live believed. What did he believe? He unequivocally believed that He was ROYALTY! Watch the video to find out what it means to be royalty.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Episode #12: Don’t Allow History (His-story) To Become Your Story

Are you looking at your present through the window of the past? I have heard a lot of people look to their background, upbringing, family history to gauge what they can achieve and what they should be. If you do that, all your are doing is choosing to re-live someone else’s story and not your own story. The most successful man who ever lived had some craziness in his family history. But he did not allow other people’s story to determine his own.

If you want to be successful, you have to envision what you want your story to look like… Then start to pen the pages in your life book through purposeful action
If you want to be successful, you have to stop envisioning the horror story of the past and start to envision a beautiful adventure that captures your imagination.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Episode 11: Deal with IT so IT does not deal with you

IT is a horror movie based on a novel by Stephen King. In this movie, IT, Pennywise the clown is a being that feeds on people’s fears and terrorizes them. For a long time, IT kept on coming back because the people never faced their fears

When it comes to success, everybody as an IT that they have to deal with…an IT that if we don’t deal with, will deal with us, kill off our hopes and dreams, and leave us going around in circles.

What is your IT? Is it a character flaw, is it anger, is it procrastination, is it ignorance, is it fear? Whatever IT is, you have to deal with it.

The most successful man to ever live understood this very well. That’s why he dealt with his IT before making a massive impact on our world.

This is the time to face your IT before you get to far on your journey, otherwise you will find that IT will do whatever it can to destroy your future.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Episode #10 - Cry Out For Help

I have had people say ‘All I have left is my pride’. My response: The only reason you have nothing but pride left is because of your pride. Let go of it and you will recover what you lost.

If the most successful man to ever live did not shy away from seeking out help, then we shouldn’t either. 

Asking for help is not weakness, it is strength. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Things that Billionaire, Erik Simons Said that BLEW My Mind

I have the privilege of learning from Erik Simons, the billionaire technology genius whose achievements are just off the chart. The three things I learned from him are: Think Bigger, Think Differently, & Think Simplicity.

Watch this video to find out what I mean.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Maintain Your Hunger

Being the smartest guy around by a wide margin, the most successful man to ever live could have just folded his hand and reveled in his brilliance. Yet he did not do this! He continued to learn and grow because he had a mind to fulfill his highest potential.

How do you maintain your hunger? You do it by realizing that your goal is not to be better than other people…your goal is to be the very best that you can be.

You and I were created to be limitless. Therefore, if we are going to be successful, we have to have a mind of pushing the boundaries of our own limitations.

If you choose to get better every day, success will choose to come your way one day.

Monday, February 10, 2020

What Learned From Billionaire Fred Fishback

Meeting Fred Fishback is like any other Joe…He is caring, giving, and generous. Except he is not an ordinary Joe. He has accomplished an incredible amount of success in his life. In my meeting with him, he revealed the key secret to his success. I reveal it in the video… Spoiler Alert: You will also get to see a couple of pics from the not so ordinary place where we met.

Remember my video for Secret #3 – The Company You Keep Determines the Compensation You Reap.

If I did not keep company with JTFoxx, then this meeting would not have happened. I am reaping from his relationship with Fred Fishback. So that to say this – don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and NETWORK. Your network does ultimately determine your net worth.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Secret #8 - Humble Yourself Before People Strategically

After showing himself to be brilliant, the most successful man to ever live lowered (humbled) himself on purpose so that people could relate and connect with him. As a result, he grew in favor and stature with people! In other words, his humility caused people to respect him even more.

Sub-Secret A: You FIRST have to show that there is something about you BEFORE you lower yourself. That way, people appreciate your humility as they see it as a choice and NOT a necessity. If people see your humility as a necessity, then you have opened up the door to being mistreated. If you are exhibiting much humility without getting much respect, then it is a sign that you have not shown that there is something noteworthy about you. Change it!

Sub-Secret B: AFTER you have shown people you have something about you (that you are operating at a high level), you have to lower yourself before people, otherwise you will find that too many people stay around you for what you have and not who you are. If you are struggling with loyalty and making more enemies than you should, it is a sign you people are already impressed with you (no need to continue to big yourself up) and now you need to just show your are like them (not that you were like them).

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Secret #7 - Pay It Forward

There is no such thing as a self-made man or woman! Behind every successful man or woman is a coach, mentor, educator, and encouraging person who spurred them on to new heights. Without these giants, success is stays in the dream realm and never becomes a reality.

Every successful person understands this principle and know they have to do the same for others - they have to pay it forward; they have to pass on what they know. BUT they also understand something else...something that you have to understand if you want to be successful. Every time you teach, the better you get! In other words, helping others requires that you raise your level of performance and excellence. So why pay it forward? It is because it helps you and helps others, simultaneously!

In this video, you will find out the giant behind the most successful man who ever lived. This person then became a giant herself.

Be a giant for someone so that you become a giant

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Secret #6 - Don’t Feel Guilty About Your Choices

During 2019 MegaSucess by JT Foxx, Jillian Michael shared a story of how a kid who was losing weight all of a sudden started gaining weight because he did not want to feel estranged from his mom. (BTW, Jillian Michael's is a fantastic speaker. How fortunate I was to meet her. She is full of wisdom!!!)

There is a price to pay for success. Not everyone will like, agree, understand or support your vision. And then there are others that may try to shame you or sabotage your efforts. Take it from the most successful that ever lived: Don't trade in your vision to people-please. If you people please, no one will be pleased in the end - not you and not the people around you.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Secret #5 – Seize Your Opportunities

You have two choices when life gives you a chance – you can either take it or you can waste it. The most successful man was ready when his opportunity came to shine. He answered so well that people were wowed by His response. Watch the video to hear more about this.

What do you do with the opportunities that come your way? Do you seize them, or do you watch as they pass you by because you are not prepared? Opportunity likes to flirt with those who are prepared. So, stay ready for the next opportunity. It is coming! When it comes, make sure that you knock it out of the park!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Secret #4 - Focus on Your Gift, Not Your Credentials

Sir Richard Branson did not consider his qualifications before he started Virgin. Bill Gates did not wait to qualify from Harvard before he decided to start Microsoft. Neither did the most successful man who ever lived.

If you want to be successful, you can’t let formal qualification be a barrier. You have to look away from the papers you don’t have and focus on the potential you do have. Just because you don’t have the credentials does not mean you are not qualified.
Your gift qualifies you to fulfill your highest potential. Nurture that gift and share that gift with the world. The world is not waiting for you to show the right papers; the world is waiting for you to make an impact.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Secret #3 - The Company You Keep Determines The Compensation You Reap

Take a look around at the company you keep. Take an inventory of the people that give you advice. If you are the smartest person in the room, then you have reached your limit. "Your network determines your net-worth" is not just another tagline to ignore, it is tagline to explore.
Who are you keeping in your network of advisers, partners, and friends? Are they adding value to you or just sucking value away from you. If you want to be successful, you have to let go of the sentiment. You have to get in relationship with the right people..good people who will encourage you, challenge  you, believe in your dreams, have the ability to help you, and will keep you in line when required.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Secrets of The Most Successful Man - Secret #2 - Eagerness to Learn

If you want to be successful, you must be EAGER TO LEARN. The most successful man to have ever lived showed this eagerness. He was already asking a lot of intelligent questions at just 12 years old. You must ask the right questions in two key areas to be truly successful. First, you must ask the right questions in the area of the passion and purpose you want to pursue. Second, you must ask the right questions about YOURSELF Watch the linked video to learn more about the right questions you NEED to ask yourself that will make a HUGE difference in your journey to success. #ExceptionalRelationships #TheMostSuccessfulMan #RichBeyongWealthSystem #RelationshipMinibooks

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Secrets of The Most Successful Man - Secret #1

The most successful man in history was passionate, purposeful, and prioritized his time at an early age. If you are going to be successful, you have to start making changes NOW. You have to be passionate about your goals, move away from distractions, and stop procrastinating (putting off what you can do today until tomorrow). See how he showed passion, purpose, and priority.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 is the year to WIN!

It’s time to win in our finances, to win in our families and to win freedom from everything that has been holding us back. When we win in all areas of our lives is when we have 360 degree success. To do this, we will be looking at the life of a person who achieved the greatest success in the history of mankind. He did such great things that his name comes up in reference to time itself. Think about that!

Becoming successful is simple when we follow the trail of someone who has already been where we want to be! So this year, I will be looking into the journey of the most successful person to have ever lived and will be sharing key principles and insights from his life. If you dare to follow along this year and implement these same principles, then your 2020 is guaranteed to be successful. If you are ready for your best year ever, then subscribe to my channel and let’s take this journey together!