Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Secret #7 - Pay It Forward

There is no such thing as a self-made man or woman! Behind every successful man or woman is a coach, mentor, educator, and encouraging person who spurred them on to new heights. Without these giants, success is stays in the dream realm and never becomes a reality.

Every successful person understands this principle and know they have to do the same for others - they have to pay it forward; they have to pass on what they know. BUT they also understand something else...something that you have to understand if you want to be successful. Every time you teach, the better you get! In other words, helping others requires that you raise your level of performance and excellence. So why pay it forward? It is because it helps you and helps others, simultaneously!

In this video, you will find out the giant behind the most successful man who ever lived. This person then became a giant herself.

Be a giant for someone so that you become a giant

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