Thursday, February 27, 2020

Episode #14 – You Can’t Please Everyone

If you try to please everybody, you will spend a lot of time and energy, and you will end up pleasing no one. If you want to be successful, you can spend your days worrying about what other think about you, your methods. You can’t lose sleep over whether someone likes you or not.

The most successful man to ever live was NOT a people-pleaser. He was there to fulfill His purpose and leave an impact. That has to be your mindset. As long as you are fulfilling a good purpose and leaving a positive impact, then you should not worry about what people say.

Remember, those who are doing no-thing have the most time on their hands to talk. Don’t let their talk stop you from doing your thing.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Episode #13 – Know Who You Are

If you don’t know who you are, you will believe what someone else says you are. So many people suffer in life because they have believed the lies others have told them. Don’t make this mistake

Now, it is not enough that you avoid believing lies, you must believe the truth. You have to believe what the most successful man to ever live believed. What did he believe? He unequivocally believed that He was ROYALTY! Watch the video to find out what it means to be royalty.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Episode #12: Don’t Allow History (His-story) To Become Your Story

Are you looking at your present through the window of the past? I have heard a lot of people look to their background, upbringing, family history to gauge what they can achieve and what they should be. If you do that, all your are doing is choosing to re-live someone else’s story and not your own story. The most successful man who ever lived had some craziness in his family history. But he did not allow other people’s story to determine his own.

If you want to be successful, you have to envision what you want your story to look like… Then start to pen the pages in your life book through purposeful action
If you want to be successful, you have to stop envisioning the horror story of the past and start to envision a beautiful adventure that captures your imagination.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Episode 11: Deal with IT so IT does not deal with you

IT is a horror movie based on a novel by Stephen King. In this movie, IT, Pennywise the clown is a being that feeds on people’s fears and terrorizes them. For a long time, IT kept on coming back because the people never faced their fears

When it comes to success, everybody as an IT that they have to deal with…an IT that if we don’t deal with, will deal with us, kill off our hopes and dreams, and leave us going around in circles.

What is your IT? Is it a character flaw, is it anger, is it procrastination, is it ignorance, is it fear? Whatever IT is, you have to deal with it.

The most successful man to ever live understood this very well. That’s why he dealt with his IT before making a massive impact on our world.

This is the time to face your IT before you get to far on your journey, otherwise you will find that IT will do whatever it can to destroy your future.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Episode #10 - Cry Out For Help

I have had people say ‘All I have left is my pride’. My response: The only reason you have nothing but pride left is because of your pride. Let go of it and you will recover what you lost.

If the most successful man to ever live did not shy away from seeking out help, then we shouldn’t either. 

Asking for help is not weakness, it is strength. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Things that Billionaire, Erik Simons Said that BLEW My Mind

I have the privilege of learning from Erik Simons, the billionaire technology genius whose achievements are just off the chart. The three things I learned from him are: Think Bigger, Think Differently, & Think Simplicity.

Watch this video to find out what I mean.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Maintain Your Hunger

Being the smartest guy around by a wide margin, the most successful man to ever live could have just folded his hand and reveled in his brilliance. Yet he did not do this! He continued to learn and grow because he had a mind to fulfill his highest potential.

How do you maintain your hunger? You do it by realizing that your goal is not to be better than other people…your goal is to be the very best that you can be.

You and I were created to be limitless. Therefore, if we are going to be successful, we have to have a mind of pushing the boundaries of our own limitations.

If you choose to get better every day, success will choose to come your way one day.

Monday, February 10, 2020

What Learned From Billionaire Fred Fishback

Meeting Fred Fishback is like any other Joe…He is caring, giving, and generous. Except he is not an ordinary Joe. He has accomplished an incredible amount of success in his life. In my meeting with him, he revealed the key secret to his success. I reveal it in the video… Spoiler Alert: You will also get to see a couple of pics from the not so ordinary place where we met.

Remember my video for Secret #3 – The Company You Keep Determines the Compensation You Reap.

If I did not keep company with JTFoxx, then this meeting would not have happened. I am reaping from his relationship with Fred Fishback. So that to say this – don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and NETWORK. Your network does ultimately determine your net worth.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Secret #8 - Humble Yourself Before People Strategically

After showing himself to be brilliant, the most successful man to ever live lowered (humbled) himself on purpose so that people could relate and connect with him. As a result, he grew in favor and stature with people! In other words, his humility caused people to respect him even more.

Sub-Secret A: You FIRST have to show that there is something about you BEFORE you lower yourself. That way, people appreciate your humility as they see it as a choice and NOT a necessity. If people see your humility as a necessity, then you have opened up the door to being mistreated. If you are exhibiting much humility without getting much respect, then it is a sign that you have not shown that there is something noteworthy about you. Change it!

Sub-Secret B: AFTER you have shown people you have something about you (that you are operating at a high level), you have to lower yourself before people, otherwise you will find that too many people stay around you for what you have and not who you are. If you are struggling with loyalty and making more enemies than you should, it is a sign you people are already impressed with you (no need to continue to big yourself up) and now you need to just show your are like them (not that you were like them).

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Secret #7 - Pay It Forward

There is no such thing as a self-made man or woman! Behind every successful man or woman is a coach, mentor, educator, and encouraging person who spurred them on to new heights. Without these giants, success is stays in the dream realm and never becomes a reality.

Every successful person understands this principle and know they have to do the same for others - they have to pay it forward; they have to pass on what they know. BUT they also understand something else...something that you have to understand if you want to be successful. Every time you teach, the better you get! In other words, helping others requires that you raise your level of performance and excellence. So why pay it forward? It is because it helps you and helps others, simultaneously!

In this video, you will find out the giant behind the most successful man who ever lived. This person then became a giant herself.

Be a giant for someone so that you become a giant